Feminism and Islam: Bangladesh perspective



The essence of feminism is, "The demand of women for their all rights as human beings".  Feminism originated from the demand for women's rights. In 1848, feminism began at the 'Seneca Convention Falls'. Voting rights , political equality and legal rights were the first demands of feminism. In 1885, under the leadership of Mary Carpenter, the organization for the human rights of women was formed and the movement continued, which became known as the feminist movement. The 1960s saw the second rise of feminism. During this period, emphasis was placed on establishing social and legal equality for women. The main argument of third-generation feminism is that women are different in terms of caste, race, country, religion and cultural context. Third-wave feminism accepts all contradictions and contradictions and accommodates all diversity and change, and challenges second-wave models of what is good and what is not good for women. Feminism has been seen differently in different places depending on the place and demands.

Different streams of feminism have nurtured different philosophies over time. Among the various streams of feminism, there are liberal moral feminism, Marxist feminism, radical feminism, socialist feminism, cultural feminism, environmental feminism and global feminism. Bangladeshi feminists are standing in complete contrast to the interpretation of feminism given by prominent people in the East and West. The first finger of Bangladeshi feminists is towards Islam's veil practice. In their view, burqa and hijab are symbols of women's confinement. Religion is the right of the individual. Where the law of religion is violated with the veil, the rights of Muslim women are naturally taken away. The feminism that came for women's rights is the same feminism that wants to take away the rights of Muslim women in Bangladesh. It is proven that the motto of feminism in Bangladesh is hatred of Islam.

If feminism is correctly presented as a demand for women's  rights, then I would like to say that feminism has its roots in Islam  And this feminism was established by the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace).  Women had no social status in Jahili period. They were sold as commodities. Men used to marry and divorce. The daughter was considered a curse and was buried alive. Men used to amuse themselves by tying women to the back of a speeding horse. They were not given inheritance . The Prophet overcame this calamity for women. In Islam, a daughter is compared to Paradise. It is said that under the mother's feet is the child's heaven. Rasulullah (pbuh) declared in order to establish the status of women, 'Caution! Be kind to women. Because they are under your supervision.  Be careful! As you have rights over your wives, they have similar rights over you. (Riyadus Salehin: Part I, pp. 276, 283) Rasulullah (SAW) ensured justice and fairness to women in family and social life by providing laws such as marriage, widow marriage, Khula Talaq, wife's dead father, dead husband's right to use property etc. appointed.

Bangladeshi feminists say that Islam has confined women to their homes. But they do not know that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, brought out the housebound women. The contribution of women in Islamic economics and politics was also prominent. Hazrat Khadija was the first woman to accept Islam. He was the richest businessman in Arabia and the head of the merchant association. Women participated in the battle with the Prophet. Prophet's wife Hazrat Ayesha Radiyallahu Anha was one of the best jurists of that time. He showed foresight in the political arena with talent and ability. In the path of truth, he led the battle of Ustra with arms.

Bangladeshi feminists make arbitrary comments about Islam saying that Islam does not support women's leadership. But if I ask any of them, think that you are the head of an Islamic state. On the one hand, the situation of giving birth to your child appeared and on the other hand, when the war broke out in your country, how will you protect that country? Undoubtedly, the answer to this question will not be found. Will she give birth or lead a war? A prerequisite for victory on the battlefield is strategy and the ability to make quick decisions. Since it is not possible for a woman to run a state with such problems, women are not allowed to be heads of state. Also, if a woman is the head of the state, she will not be able to manage the state properly due to various reasons including child rearing. Islam has not made women the head of state for many logical reasons. However, no one else has given the status that Islam has given to women in the society by naming them as mother, aunt
y,  mother-in-law, sister, daughter etc.

Many feminists say, if Islam treats women so politely, why didn't women become prophets and messengers? They do not want to investigate the reasons why women should not be made prophets. Islam did not make women Prophets but made women mothers of Prophets. There is a history of being a prophet without a father (Jesus), except for the first human being created on earth, but there is no prophet without a mother. Who is more dignified than the mother? Only Islam has given due status to women.
The social system that has been introduced in the communist world in the present era is basically just a reflection of the ancient "Mazdaqi" doctrine of Iran. During the reign of King Nowsherwa's father Kobad, a thinker named 'Mazdak' expressed the opinion that the root cause of all unrest in human society is women and wealth. Therefore, these two should be taken out of private ownership and placed under national ownership. Just as all have rights to fire, water and earth, so all have equal rights to women and wealth. In today's socialist world wealth is nationalized. The condition of women there is not much different from that of Mazdaki period. Even if there is a practice of marriage, it is as fragile as a stick of wood. As a result, the status of women in society is gradually moving towards the status of consumer goods.

In America, which the world presents as the standard of civilization and women's rights, every 107 seconds, a woman is raped or sexually assaulted, and at the end of the year, the average number is about 293,000. One in four women in the land of peace, Canada, is a victim of sexual violence, which is about 460,000 annually. In Great Britain, a free democracy, 85,000 rapes occur every year. There is no Muslim country among the top 10 countries in the world for rape of women. Yet feminists continue to hate Islam.

While the main idea of ​​feminism was to establish the real rights of women, in Bangladesh, free mixing, western clothes, going out in the evening or at night, smoking, etc. are interpreted as women's rights. A woman can do whatever she wants. If a feminist can wear loose non-Bengali cultural clothing based on her ideals, why can't a neutral girl voluntarily wear burqa hijab? Feminists in Bangladesh want to do everything like men but do not want to understand that it is not possible at all. Women's freedom is not the name of keeping in mind the phrase 'If men can do it, why can't women do it'? It is natural that a man cannot become a mother and a woman cannot become a father. The doctrine that the current feminists are propagating is not really feminism but hatred of Islam and nothing else.

Feminism is not secularism or disparaging comments about religion. Feminism has no conflict with Islam. In Islam, the boundaries of women's responsibilities and duties are not specified within the home, but instead allow for her social participation.

Easin Taha
columnist & Human rights activist.
email- easintaha4@gmail.com
