Muskan gave the world message

The controversy erupted last month over a ban on wearing hijab in classes at a college in Udupi, Karnataka, India. Such activities in India are only a small manifestation of extremist Hinduism. The anti-hijab movement is not unique to India and it is not a new issue.


In 2014, hijabs were banned in schools and government offices in France, but they were forced to lift the ban in the face of public outrage. In 2016, authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany's most populous state, proposed banning the hijab from school for girls under the age of 14 in all schools in the state.


In Austria, efforts are being made to stop female students from wearing hijab. France is the first country in Europe where the burqa is banned by law. 5 million Muslims live in France. This law came into force on April 11, 2011. The law provides for fines for wearing a burqa or niqab. The niqab is banned in several Italian cities. Authorities in the northwestern city of Novara have banned the burqa by law.


 In September 2016, Tajikistan, a Muslim-majority country in Asia, banned the burqa and hijab. Morocco, a 99 percent Muslim country in Africa, was banned from producing, importing and selling burqas in January 2016. The veil was also banned in Belgium in July 2011. That is, no woman can cover her whole face with a cloth.


The burqa was banned by law in the Netherlands in 2015. There is a ban on the use of burqas, especially in public places such as schools, hospitals, etc. The law came into force on August 1, 2019.


Meanwhile, not only in Spain, but only in Barcelona, the city authorities have banned the burqa. In 2013, a vote was taken in Ticino, an Italian-speaking area of Switzerland, to ban the burqa. Eighty-five percent voted in favor of the ban. The burqa was then banned in 26 cities. Anyone wearing a burqa in public could face a fine of up to 9,200 euros.


 On 5 June 2019, the Tunisian government banned the niqab in public places, public transport and in government offices and courts. The anti-hijab and anti-niqab activities around the world are not for any particular purpose but to curb Islamic culture.

What a person wears is a personal matter and a fundamental right. It is obligatory to wear veil in Islam. Muslim women have to wear hijab-niqab while performing that duty. But alas, today in the golden age of civilization, people are forced to practice their religion.


The anti-hijab scandal is a clear violation of the UN's "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" adopted on December 10, 1948. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations contains a total of 30 articles.


Article 2 states that "everyone shall have the same rights and freedoms, regardless of race, religion, caste, education, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, birth, property or any other status." No country or territory shall be discriminated against on the basis of its political, territorial or international status; whether that country or territory is independent, unincorporated, autonomous or in any other limitation of sovereignty. "And "Article 17" states that "everyone has the right to freedom of religion, conscience and thought, with all the right to change religion or belief, and with this, publicly or privately, alone or in association with others, teaching, practicing, worshiping or practicing."


The right to express one's religion or belief through observance will also be included. "Despite repeated attempts to violate UN law, no significant action was taken.


Infidels around the world find the smell of militancy in the hijab-niqab, the religious law of Muslims. But almost all of the major terrorist attacks that have taken place in the world so far have been organized by non-Muslims.


Although the principles adopted by the United Nations are clear on paper, their application is not very clear in practice. It would be wrong to say no again because they are always active in protecting all religions and atheists except Muslims.


Recently, a video from Karnataka, India went viral on social media. This video shows a student wearing hijab walking on a college campus in Karnataka. At that time, a group of youths wearing purple veil surrounded her, chanted anti-hijab slogans and harassed her.

The incident took place at Mandia Pre-University College in Karnataka. The video shows the young woman leaving her scooter in the parking lot and walking towards the college building. At that moment, a group of young men wearing purple scarves chanted 'Joy Shri Ram' and marched towards him.


The young woman was not seen frightened while chanting the counter-slogan 'Allahu Akbar'. At that time she was seen walking forward with her hands up and chanting Allahu Akbar. She was later removed by the college principal and other teachers.


After the incident, various national and international news channels interviewed Muskan, who also strongly opposed Indian extremist Hindutva and called for building a non-communal country. Muslims around the world woke up when Muskan's video went viral. Organizations of different countries issued statements expressing solidarity. Even in India, many Hindus who believe in communal harmony have condemned the incident.


Muskan's revolutionary protests garnered widespread praise around the world, and at the same time sent a clear message to the world. Protests with a smile have sparked a worldwide response. So it is very clear how fragile the situation of the anti-Islamic people will be if all the muslims of the world wake up. "LillaheTakbir-Allahu Akbar" is the manifestation of the revolutionary consciousness of the Muslims.


Throughout the ages, the sound of takbeer was the historical weapon of the Muslims in their religious war against the infidel polytheists. At this sound the world trembles, the heart trembles. The meaning of takbeer is to be always awake in the consciousness of Tawheed and to devote oneself to all endeavors for the formation of a faithful life manifested in the teachings of Tawheed free from the sin and filth of shirk.


Muslims are not a cowardly race but a race to stand tall. Muslims are willing to lose everything, but they are not willing to let the flag of Islam fade. Today's smile has once again shown the world the revolutionary nature of Muslims.


Muhammad Yasin Arafat Toha, Essayist and columnist.
